BSc (Ph.Ed) 2nd Year Syllabus and important topics

     BSc (Ph.Ed) 2nd Year Syllabus and important topics

BSc (Ph.Ed) 2nd Year Syllabus and important topics

 S-201 Health Education , Safety Education , First Aid                       -100 Marks Paper


  1. Meaning of Healthy brief description of  physical , Mental , emotions and social healthy.          
  2. important of Health for an individual , Family , community and nation.                                           
  3. Fitness and physical fitness its relationship to health.                     
  4. Health programme National, family planning .                                
  5. Health careers avaliable in india.                                                      
  6. World Health organisation structure , activities.        

Health Education

  1. Meaning of health education its need, scope for college Students and Objectives of health education.                                                                                    
  2. College health programme and opportunity for student participation.


  1. Need and important of personal hygiene , Food hygiene.                    
  2. Define rehabilitation.                       
  3. Balanced Diet.                                     
  4. Proteins.                                              
  5. Fat.                                                         
  6. Fibre.                                                     
  7. Vitamins.                                               
  8. Water.                                                    
  9. Minerals.                                                 
  10. Calorie.                                                          
  11. Carbohydrate.    

Safety Education

  1. importance of safety education for accidents.                                       
  2. The need for safety education for teacher of physical Education.                                             
  3. full information of First aid and its use.                                                     
  4.  Explain How safety education helps in Fire, Road , Water incident .                                              
  5. Equipment and Medicines of First Aid Box        


S-202 ( Physiology of Exercise )- 50 Marks paper + 50 Marks Practical -- 100 Marks

  1. Meaning , nature and scope of exercise physiology.                                                                                      
  2. Effect of exercise on various systems of the body-vascular excretory, Endocrine and Metabolic process.                                                                                              
  3. Physiology of muscular Movement.                                                                                                                           
  4. Prosperities, Structure and function of voluntary muscular.                                     
  5. Changes during muscular contraction & control by nervous system                      
  6. Energy for muscular Work                                                                                          
  7. muscular contraction.                                                                                                   
  8.  Physiology concept of physical fitness, concept of  conditioning and training, Skill , Strength        speed , Endurance and agility.                                                                                 
  9. Physiology factor after ting skill and motor ability-Warming  up and fatigue                                                 
  10. Some important topic full details
  • Muscle System
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Blood pressure


S-203 Theory of Games & Sports ( Track & Field )- 50                            Marks paper + 50 Marks practical-- 100 marks

Historical Development 

  1. Athletics of India
  2. Modern Olympic
  3. Old Olympic 

Style, position, Rules , Measurement and Equipment 

  1. Relays
  2. Triple Jump
  3. discuss throw
  4. Long distance Running

Draw a neat Diagram 

  1. 400 meter
  2. 200 meter
  3. 100 meter
  • 1- Decathlon and Heptathlon Events


S-204 Theory of Games & Sports ( Gymnastics)- 50 Marks                     Paper + 50 Marks Practical -- 100 Marks


  1. Free Hand exercise.
  2. General development exercise with apparatus and without apparatus.
  3. Elementary and Basic elementary on the following apparatus.

  • Vaulting Horse 
  • Parallel bars

 4. Front upringe from upper arms
  •      Roll forward on upper arms.
  •      Roll backward on upper arms.
  •      Swing to hand stand.

   5-Historical development   

  • Indian Gymnastics.
  • Asian Games
  • Old Olympic
  • Modern Olympic

    6- Events of men and women Gymnastic.    7- Quality of a good Gymnast and Official

   S-205 Theory of Games and Sports ( Basketball, Football ,            Hockey ) - 50 Paper + 50 Practical-- 100 Marks      

   S-206 Theory of Games and Sports ( Cricket, Handstand,               Volleyball0- 50 Paper + 50 Practical-- 100 Marks 

  1. World Federation and Indian Federation  of your game full details.
  2. Indian Federation of your game full details.
  3. Skills of your Game.
  4. 20 Rules of your Game.
  5. Draw a neat diagram from your game Field. and Position of the player of your game.
  6. History of your Game in india and World.
  7. Explain the Quality of a good official and good Player of your game.  


S-211 Vocational Oriented Courses-- 100 Marks Paper

S-011 Language Communication and writing Skill:( 1-Hindi      2-English 3- Sanskrit )-- 100 Marks paper

S-010 General Awareness-- 100 Marks Paper


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