Health Education , Safety Education , First Aid BSc (Ph ,Edu & Sports) 2nd Year



Health Education , Safety Education , First Aid  

-100 Marks Paper


Meaning of Healthy brief description of physical , Mental , emotions and social healthy.          

important of Health for an individual , Family , community and nation.                                           

Fitness and physical fitness its relationship to health.                     

Health programme National, family planning .                                

Health careers available in india.                                                      

World Health organisation structure , activities.       

Health Education

Meaning of health education its need, scope for college Students and Objectives of health education.                                                                                    

College health programme and opportunity for student participation.


  1. Need and important of personal hygiene , Food hygiene.                    
  2. Define rehabilitation.                       
  3. Balanced Diet.                                     
  4. Proteins.                                              
  5. Fat.                                                         
  6. Fibre.                                                     
  7. Vitamins.                                               
  8. Water.                                                    
  9. Minerals.                                                 
  10. Calorie.                                                          
  11. Carbohydrate.    

Safety Education

importance of safety education for accidents.                                       

The need for safety education for teacher of physical Education.                                             

full information of First aid and its use.                                                     

 Explain How safety education helps in Fire, Road , Water incident .                                              

Equipment and Medicines of First Aid Box         

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