UNIT 1 - The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental studies - 

  • defination , scope & importance    
  • need for public awareness 

UNIT  2 - Natural Resources : Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

  • Natural resources and associated problem  

Previous year Paper - View 

(a) Forest Resources : Use and over -exploitation , deforestation case studies , Timber extraction , 
Mining , dams and their effects on forest and tribal people . 

(b) Water Recourse : Use and over- utilisation Of surface and ground water , floods , drought , conflicts over water , dams-benefits and problem 

(c) Mineral Recourse : Use and exploitation , environment effect of extraction and using mineral resources , case studies 

(d) Food Resources : World food problems , change caused by agriculture and using mineral resources , case studies 

(e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs , renewavle and non-renewable energy sources , use of alternative energy sources , case studies 

(f) Land Resources : Land as a resource , land degradation , man induced landslides , soil erosion and desertification 
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources 
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyle

Unit-3 Ecosystem : Concept of an ecosystem . Structure and function of an ecosystem . Producers , consumer and decomposes Energy flow in the ecosystem . Ecological Succession . Food chain , food webs and ecolo pyramids.    

Unit 4. - Biodiversity and its conservation : introduction Defination 
Genetic , species and ecosystem diversity 
Biogeography classification of India , value of biodiversity 

Unit 5 - Environment pollution : Defination causes , effect and control measures of 
(a) Air pollution 
(b) Water pollution 
(c) Soil pollution 
(d) Marine pollution
(e) Noise pollution 
(f) Thermal Pollution 
(g) Nuclear Pollution 

Unit- 6 : Social Issue and the Environment : From Unsustainable to Sustainable Development . Urban problems related to energy . Water conservation , rain water harvesting . Watershed management . 

Unit 7 : Human Population and the Environment : pollution growth , variation among national , population explosion : family welfare programs : Environment and human health 

Unit- 8 : Field Work : Visit to a local area to document environment - river/forest / grassland / hill / mountain / . Visit to a local pollution site - urban / rural / industrial / agriculture . 

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