Unit – I Introduction to Sports Nutrition

o Meaning and Definition of Sports Nutrition

o Basic Nutrition guidelines

o Role of nutrition in sports

o Factor to consider for developing nutrition plan

Unit – II Nutrients: Ingestion to energy metabolism

o Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat – Meaning, classification and its function

o Role of carbohydrates, Fat and protein during exercise

o Vitamins, Minerals, Water – Meaning, classification and its function

o Role of hydration during exercise, water balance, Nutrition – daily caloric requirement

and expenditure.

Unit – III Nutrition and Weight Management

o Meaning of weight management Concept of weight management in modern era Factor

affecting weight management and values of weight management

o Concept of BMI (Body mass index), Obesity and its hazard, Myth of Spot reduction,

Dieting versus exercise for weight control, Common Myths about Weight Loss

o Obesity – Definition, meaning and types of obesity,

o Health Risks Associated with Obesity, Obesity - Causes and Solutions for Overcoming


Unit – IV Steps of planning of Weight Management

o Nutrition – Daily calorie intake and expenditure, Determination of desirable body weight

o Balanced diet for Indian School Children, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

o Weight management program for sporty child, Role of diet and exercise in weight

management, Design diet plan and exercise schedule for weight gain and loss


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component of successful weight loss maintenance.Obesity(Silver Spring). 15(12), 3091-


Chu, S.Y. & Kim, L. J. (2007). Maternal obesity and risk of stillbirth: a metaanalysis. Am J

ObstetGynecol, 197(3), 223-228.

DeMaria, E. J. (2007). Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity. N Engl J Med,356(21), 2176-


Dixon, J.B., O'Brien, P.E., Playfair, J. (n.d.). Adjustable gastric banding and conventional

therapy for type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 299(3), 316-323.

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