Meaning and definitions of emotion

 Meaning and definitions of emotion

Emotion is the agitated psychological and physical state of the creature, it awakens a powerful emotion in a short time and is awakened for a long time, as a result of which we are stimulated to do any action which is called physical action and powerful emotion is a definite Work increases to achieve or achieve the purpose, that is, in simple language we can also call the mind, that is, the excitement of our mind to do some work.

And physically and mentally we try to fulfill that feeling or if it is not possible then we suppress it inside.

Trinity of Emotions

Subway ko mein tere taapta hai and it is generated very quickly educated people control everyone after a time Hindi

There are two kinds of emotions, pleasant in all people of emotion, they are awakened according to the situation.

Emotions are born from birth, while they are gradually developed according to the situation.

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