Meaning and definitions of environment

 Meaning and definitions of environment

The word environment is made up of two words in which Pari means the cover around us, which surrounds us i.e. environment means surrounds.

Environment is the whole unit of all those physico-chemical and biological factors that affect human population.

He is that which is associated with every living being and is always there or is always around.

The environment is made up of the mission of all biotic and abiotic elements, processes and events that affect our lives.

In the biological accompaniment of the environment, from micro-organisms to insects, all animals and plants come, along with this, the process for poetry related to them still comes under it.

In abiotic organizations, non-living elements come on the clock, such as rocks, mountains, rivers, air and elements of climate etc.

man tampering with the environment

It has become common practice by the technological man to tamper with nature for his economic purpose and to make life easier, due to which the balance of the natural environment is seen to be destroyed.

Environmental problems such as climate change are the result of destroying environmental resources by humans.


The group of land, water, air, plants and animals found on the earth, which is around us, is called environment.

The environment is directly related to nature, around us we find different types of animals, plants and other living non-living things.

Modern society should be educated about the problems related to the environment so that we can minimize the damage to nature and try to increase the natural resources.

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