What is Obesity ? how can we come to know that we are obese ?

What is Obesity ? how can we come to know that we are obese ?

What is overweight and Obesity?

What is Body Mass Index (BMI) ?

Class 12th Physical education 

Generally, the questions arise: What should be the ideal body weight of an individual? Who is obese and who is not? Different methods are used in different countries to know if an individual is obese. According to the first method, just by observing, it can be inferred whether he/she is obese or not. But this method cannot be considered a right method to determine if an individual is obese because the opinion about the shape of the body changes with the passage of time. 

For example, chubbiness used to be liked by people in yesteryears, whereas being slim and trim is appreciated nowadays everywhere. 

According to the second method, if an individual's body weight is more in proportion to his/her height (according to height and weight chart), the individual will be overweight or obese. But this method cannot be accepted as the best method. The third method is a more scientific method. 

In this method, the body fat percentage is calculated. If the body fat percentage of a person is more than the required levels, he/she may be considered obese. This is the most accurate method to determine obesity, but it is not easy to apply this method. In comparison to other methods, the weight and height chart is still preferred to determine obesity because it is easily available,

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index is the measure of body fat, calculated by the weight and height of a person. BMI provides the ideal body weight as per the height of a person. While calculating the BMI, weight is measured in kilograms and height in metres.

Calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is also known as Quetelet Index because it was invented by Adolphe Quetelet. In fact, it is a statistical measurement which compares an individual's weight and height. 

Although, it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, yet it is a very useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall an individual is. Indeed, it is the most widely used tool to identify the weight problem. 

BMI is very easy to measure and evaluate. With the help of BMI one can come to know whether one is of underweight, normal weight, overweight or in the category of obesity. BMI can be defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of his height. BMI can be determined by using a BMI chart. BMI helps a person to know whether he/she has a healthy weight or needs to lose his/her body weight or needs to gain weight. Its value is measured in kg/m³².

Formula to calculate BMI:

      BMI = Body weight (kg) 

                  (Height)2 (m)

For example, suppose a person has a body-weight 70 kg and height 1.70 m. His/Her BMI would be:

of Hence, BMI = 70 kg.                 70

                          (1.70 m)²          1.70 x 1.70

 70 kg 

2.89 m = 24.22 

Hence, BMI = 24.22 (Normal BMI). 

What is Body Mass Index (BMI) ?

From the above formula, we can calculate the excess or deficiency of fat in our body and measures can be adopted to correct it.

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