Part – B Practical Courses B.P.ED 2 nd Year


Part – B Practical Courses 

B.P.ED 2nd Year 

PC – 201 

Track and field’s (Throwing Events) 

o Discus Throw, Javelin, Hemmer throw, shot-put 

o Basic Skills and techniques of the Throwing events 

o Ground Marking / Sector Marking 

o Interpretation of Rules and Officiating. 

o Grip 

o Stance 

o Release 

o Reserve/ (Follow through action) 

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials 

PC – 202 

Boxing: Fundamental Skills 

o Player stance 

o Stance - Right hand stance, left hand stance. 

o Footwork – Attack, defense. 

o Punches – Jab, cross, hook, upper cut, combinations. 

o Defense slip – bob and weave, parry/block, cover up, clinch, counter attack 

o Tactics – Toe to toe, counter attack, fighting in close, feinting 

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials. 

PC – 202 

Martial Arts/Karate: Fundamental Skills 

o Player Stances – walking, hand positions, front-leaning, side-fighting. 

o Hand Techniques - Punches (form of a punch, straight punch, and reverse punch), Blocks 

(eight basic). 

o Leg Techniques - Snap kicks, stretching straight leg, thrust kicks, sidekicks, round house. 

o Forms - The first cause Katas. 

o Self Defense - against punches, grabs and strikes, against basic weapons (knife, club 


o Sparring - One step for middle punch, high punch and groin punch. (Defended by 

appropriate block from eight basic blocks). 

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials. 

PC – 202 

Taekwondo Fundamental Skills 

o Player Stances – walking, extending walking, L stance, cat stance. 

o Fundamental Skills – Sitting stance punch, single punch, double punch, triple punch. 

o Punching Skill from sparring position – front-fist punch, rear fist punch, double punch,

and four combination punch.

o Foot Tenchniques (Balgisul) – standing kick (soseochagi), Front kick (AP chagi), Arc

kick (BandalChagi), Side kick, (YeopChagi), Turning kick (DollyoChagi), Back kick

(Twit Chagi), Reverse turning kick (BandaeDollyoChagi), Jump kick (TwimyoChagi),

o Poomsae (Forms) – Jang, Yi Jang, Sam Jang, Sa Jang, O Jang, Yook Jang, Chil Jang, Pal

Jang (Fundamental Movement – eye control, concentration of spirit, speed control,

strength control, flexibility, balance, variety in techniques)

o Sparring (Kyorugi) – One Step Sparring (hand techniques, foot techniques, self defense

techniques, combination kicks), Free Sparring.

o Board Breaking (Kyokpa) – eye control, balance, power control, speed, point of attack.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.


Judo: Fundamental skills

o Rei (Salutation)-Ritsurei(Salutation in standing position), Zarai (Salutation in the sitting


o Kumi kata (Methods of holding judo costume)

o Shisei (Posture in Judo)

o Kuzushi (Act of disturbing the opponent posture)

o Tsukuri and kake (Preparatory action for attack)

o Ukemi (Break Fall)-UrhiroUkemi (Rear break Fall), Yoko Ukemi (Side Break Fall), Mae

Ukemi (Front Break Fall), Mae mawariUkemi (Front Rolling break fall)

o Shin Tai (Advance or retreat foot movement)-Suri-ashi (Gliding foot), Twugi-ashi

(Following footsteps), Ayum

i-ashi (Waling steps.

o Tai Sabaki (Management of the body)

o NageWaze (Throwing techniques)-

HizaGuruma (Knee wheel), SesaeTwurikomi-ashi

(Drawing ankle throw), De ashihari (Advance foot sweep), O Goshi (Major loinm),

SeoiNage (Shoulder throw).

o Katamawaze(Grappling techniques)-Kesagatame (Scaff hold), Kata gatame (Shoulder

hold), Kami shihogatama (Locking of upper four quarters), Method of escaping fro

each hold.

PC – 202

Wrestling: Fundamental Skills

o Take downs, Leg tackles, Arm drag.

o Counters for take downs, Cross face, Whizzer series.

o Escapes from under-sit-out turn in tripped.

o Counters for escapes from under-Basic control back drop, Counters for stand up.

o Pinning combination-Nelson series(Half Nelson, Half Nelson and Bar arm), Leg lift

series, Leg cradle series, Reverse double bar arm, chicken wing and half Nelson.

o Escapes from pining: Wing lock series, Dopuble arm lock roll, Cridge

o Standing Wrestling-Head under arm series, whizzer series

o Referees positions.

PC – 202

encing: Fundamental Skill

o Basic Stance - on-guard position (feet and legs)

o Footwork – advance, retire, lunge, Step-lunge

o Grip – hold a foil correctly, Etiquette – salute and handshake to coaches and partners

o Hit a target (glove, mask, person) at riposte distance

o Lunge from an on-guard position.

o Attack - simple attacks from sixte – direct, disengage, doublé attack, compound attacks

high line – one-two and cut-over disengage, Cut-over attack, Low line attacks

o Semi circular parries – octave and septime

o Understand the layout of a piste.

o Compound or successive parries.

o Lateral parry and direct riposte

o Fence a bout – judges etc. salutes and handshakes

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC 203 Team Games

PC 203

Base Ball Fundamental Skills

o Player Stances – walking, extending walking, L stance, cat stance.

o Grip – standard grip, choke grip,

o Batting – swing and bunt.

o Pitching –

o Baseball : slider, fast pitch, curve ball, drop ball, rise ball, change up, knuckle ball, screw


o Softball: windmill, sling shot,

o starting position: wind up, set.

o Fielding –

o Catching: basics to catch fly hits, rolling hits,

o Throwing: over arm, side arm.

o Base running –

o Base running: single, double, triple, home run,

o Sliding: bent leg slide, hook slide, head first slide.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC 203 Netball: Fundamental Skills

o Catching: one handed, two handed, with feet grounded, in flight.

o Throwing (different passes and their uses): one handed passes (shoulder, high shoulder,

underarm, bounce, lob); two handed passes (push, overhead, bounce).

o Footwork: landing on one foot; landing on two feet; pivot; running pass.

o Shooting: one hand; two hands; forward step shot; backward step shot.

o Techniques of getting free: dodge and sprint; sudden sprint; sprint and stop; sprinting

with change of speed.

o Defending: marking the player; marking the ball; blocking; inside the circle; outside the

circle (that is, defending the circle edge against the pass in).

o Intercepting: pass; shot.

o The toss-up

o Role of individual players

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC – 203 

Cricket: Fundamental Skills

o Batting-Forward and backward defensive stroke

o Bowling-Simple bowling techniques

o Fielding-Defensive and offensive fielding

o Catching-High catching and Slip catching

o Stopping and throwing techniques

o Wicket keeping techniques

PC 203 Football: Fundamental Skills

o Kicks-Inside kick, Instep kick, Outer instep kick, lofted kick

o Trapping-trapping rolling the ball, trapping bouncing ball with sol

o Dribbling-With instep, inside and outer instep of the foot.

o Heading-From standing, running and jumping.

o Throw in

o Feinting-With the lower limb and upper part of the body.

o Tackling-Simple tackling, Slide tackling.

o Goal Keeping-Collection of balls, Ball clearance-kicking, throwing and deflecting.

PC 203

Hockey: Fundamental Skills

o Player stance & Grip

o Rolling the ball

o Dribbling

o Push

o Stopping

o Hit

o Flick

o Scoop

o Passing – Forward pass, square pass, triangular pass, diagonal pass, return pass,

o Reverse hit

o Dodging

o Goal keeping – Hand defence, foot defence

o Positional play in attack and defense.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

o Ground Marking.

PC – 203 Softball Fundamental Skills

o Catching: one handed, two handed, with feet grounded, in flight.

o Throwing (different passes and their uses): one handed passes (shoulder, high shoulder,

underarm, bounce, lob); two handed passes (push, overhead, bounce).

o Footwork: landing on one foot; landing on two feet; pivot; running pass.

o Shooting: one hand; two hands; forward step shot; backward step shot.

o Techniques of getting free: dodge and sprint; sudden sprint; sprint and stop; sprinting

with change of speed.

o Defending: marking the player; marking the ball; blocking; inside the circle; outside the

circle (that is, defending the circle edge against the pass in).

o Intercepting: pass; shot.

o The toss-up.

o Role of individual players

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC 203

Volleyball: Fundamental Skills

o Players Stance-Receiving the ball and passing to the team mates,

o The Volley (Over head pass),

o The Dig(Under hand pass).

o Service-Under Arm Service, Side Arm Service, Tennis Service, Round Arm Service.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC - 203 

Hand Ball:

o Fundamental Skills-Catching, Throwing, Ball Control, Goal Throws-Jump Shot, Centre

Shot, Dive Shot, Reverse Shot, Dribbling-High and Low, Attack and Counter Attack,

Simple Counter Attack, Counter Attack from two wings and centre, Blocking, Goal

keeping, Defense.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials.

PC – 203 

Basket ball: Fundamental Skills

o Player stance and ball handling

o Passing-Two Hand chest pass, Two hand Bounce Pass, One Hand Base ball pass, Side

Arm Pass, Over Head pass, Hook Pass.

o Receiving-Two Hand receiving, One hand receiving, Receiving in stationary position,

Receiving while jumping, Receiving while running.

o Dribbling-How to start dribble, How to drop dribble, High dribble, Low dribble, Reverse

dribble, Rolling dribble.

o Shooting-Layup shot and its variations, one hand set shot, One hand jump shot, Hook

shot, Free throw.

o Rebounding-Defensive rebound, Offensive rebound, Knock out, Rebound Organization.

o Individual Defensive-Guarding the man with the ball and without the ball

o Pivoting.

o Rules and their interpretations and duties of the officials.

PC - 204

Track and Field:


o Ground Marking, Rules and Officiating

PC 204

Gymnastics: Floor Exercise

o Forward Roll, Backward Roll, Sideward Roll, different kinds of scales, Leg Split, Bridge,

Dancing steps, Head stand, Jumps-leap, scissors leap.

o Vaulting Horse

o Approach Run, Take off from the

 beat board, Cat Vault, Squat Vault.

PC – 204

Swimming: Fundamental Skills

o Entry into the pool.

o Developing water balance and confidence

o Water fear removing drills.

o Floating-Mushroom and Jelly fish etc.

o Gliding with and without kickboard.

o Introduction of various strokes

o Body Position, Leg, Kick, Arm pull, Breathing and Co ordination.

o Start and turns of the concerned strokes.

o Introduction of Various Strokes.

o Water Treading and Simple Jumping.

o Starts and turns of concerned strokes.

o Rules of Competitive swimming-officials and their duties, pool specifications, seeding

heats and finals, Rules of the races.

TP – 201 Teaching practices /Internship Teaching (4 week School)

10 teaching lesson plans for Racket Sport/ Team Games/ Indigeneous Sports out

of which 5 lessons internal and 5 lessons external at school.

TP – 202 Teaching practices /Internship teaching (4 week School)


Gymnastics / Swimming (One for Sports 5 lessons) (out of 10 lessons 5 internal and 5

external at practicing school)

TP- 203 Teaching practices /Internship teaching (4 week School) GAMES

SPECIALIZATION: COACHING LESSONS: Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Base ball, cricket,

Football ,Hockey, Softball Volleyball, Handball, Basketball, Netball, Badminton,

Table Tennis, Squash, Tennis

(One for Sports 5 lessons) )(out of 10 lessons 5 internal and 5 external at practicing school)

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