Exercising for longer periods of time

Exercising for longer periods of time

Exercises done for a long time mostly include marathon jogging etc.

Just as a man working in a factory, who works there for 8 hours, uses ATP CP in his body, that is, energy is available from glucose to do work.

The build-up of lactic acid in his body is gradual as he is able to work continuously for 8 hours. This starts happening and the body temperature also increases, sometimes this type of fatigue becomes mental as well, so after jogging in the marathon, the amount of lactic acid in our body increases very much.

and then need calling down way recovery in anointed form

In recovery, our head muscles get tired, due to which lactic acid is prepared in more quantity in them, in such a situation, to keep the nerves healthy, we need recovery. Here we can take some energy sources as recovery or we can give rest to our body.

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