Historical development of gymnastic equipment

 Historical development of gymnastic equipment

If we want to know about the history of gymnastic equipment then we have to go into the history of ancient civilizations like Chinese Indian Greek Roman etc. After a thorough study of all these civilizations, it is known how and where the equipment of gymnastics was developed. Which is as follows :-

The horse: --- Horse was invented in 375ID in Rome. The Romans used these horses for the training of their military, sitting on them, using weapons and doing some other exercises, these horses were made of wood. From the history of the room, it appears to us that these horses were seen for the first time at John's Playground in 18-11 AD and their voting stage is John's Playground in Berlin Germany.

On top of these lips there were handles of 2 to 4 inches, which were exercised by holding them. These two were the first horses to be used as gymnastics equipment. In the modern era, only male gymnasts use palmel horses.

Height: 1.15 meters (3 feet, 9 inches)

Length at the top: 1.6 meters (5 feet, 3 inches)

Width: 35 centimeters (13 1/2 inches) 

 Distance between pommels: 40 to 45

 centimeters (15 1/2 to 17 1/2 inches) 

Height of pommels: 12 centimeters (4 1/2 inches)

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