The history of the sport of gymnastics is very old, the history of gymnastics can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Persian, Greek and Roman. The Greek and Roman chief secretaries were civilizations within which physical exercises were done for exercise and physical development. The history of China shows that it was the first country under which physical exercise was included in their culture. He believed that doing physical exercise leads to mental development of a person.

The Chinese used to count gymnastics in the category of kung fu. Under China, physical exercise was also used as a medical system. The Chinese people believed that if we did not do physical exercise, we would get sick. They developed a method of physical exercise that included stretching and breathing exercises to keep the body and mind fit.

Like Chinese civilization, physical exercise is also known under Persian and Indian civilization. The warriors who were in the armies of these countries at that time used to practice sword fighting on horses made of clay and used to perform many skills of war.

The greatest promotion and dissemination of gymnastics techniques occurred during the Greek and Roman civilizations. The people there added gymnastics to their educational system. The Greeks and Romans were mainly male physical exercises. The place where he used to do physical exercise was not called a gym. The main purpose of which was to improve the action of the person and make the army stronger. The famous writer and philosopher Plato wrote in his book The Republic that education is of no use, which does not include music and gymnastics.

The word gymnastics is derived from the Greek word gymnos, which means naked or naked. Greeks did not wear any clothes while exercising, the place where they practiced was called gymnegia. But boys and men used to do physical exercise. Physical exercise was mandatory for all human beings. The structure of gymnegia used to be similar to the truck of today's time. It was inside a wall on all four sides. Inside which competitions for running and jumping were held, along with there were also big halls for wrestling. Bathing arrangements were also of a very high quality. Raja's bodyguards used to exercise here. Gymnegia was maintained by Gymneziarches.

Which was elected by the king or his advisors. There used to be two Greek states, which are known as Ispart of Athes, these people were always at war with each other. Therefore, to strengthen his armies, he used to give physical exercises to his warriors as well. Homework was the main work of women and girls. The means of entertainment for the girls was to play with dolls made of clay and cloth. The Greeks used to entertain themselves with duels between prisoners of war.

After the weakening of the Greek civilization, the people of Rome attacked Greece and conquered it, the people here used to be very powerful. The people of the room believed that the training of the Greek military was not suitable. Despite this, he chose some of the exercises that the Greeks also used to do.

He chose those exercises by which the soldiers developed courage, developed endurance and developed the use of weapons used during the war, etc. All the young men under the Roman Empire had to serve and train in the army. He used to prepare all the inhabitants for war through gymnastic exercises. It is known from Roman civilization that their soldiers used wooden horses for war exercises, they used to jump on horses, swordsmanship and many war exercises, so we can say that in the modern era gymnastics were used. The known Palmelhorse and Molting Horse were invented from the same wooden horses.

In 1774, John Vasdy (1723–1790) included physical exercises in the school program. He believed that gymnastic exercises and sports were essential for the normal growth and development of the body. After teaching for 3 years at the Vaishdo School, he opened his own school, which started in Schweinthal, Germany.

Christopher Friederich gutsmuths (1759–1839), also known as the Grand Father of gymnastics, played an important role in the development of gymnastics, taught gymnastics for almost 50 years and created many sports and equipment. He wrote many books, the main ones being Gymnastics for Young and Natural Gymnastics. Guts Mus believed that the preparation for war could not be done by group marching and drill by regiment station by command. Throughout his life, he was engaged in activities to promote a healthy body and a healthy mind. Frederick Ludwig Joan (1778-1852) after Fedrich Gudsmuth, also known as the father of gymnastics

He made an unprecedented contribution to the development of new gymnastics and he followed the rules of Guts' school. In 18-11 AD, he started many gymnastics clubs and started many gymnastics exercises. His training was mainly on strength exercises. His training consisted of increasing muscle strength and performing exercises on equipment.

He created many gymnastics equipment such as the foot red bar, horizontal bar, Roman Reigns, horse and balance bheem. He formed an association of gymnastics named German Gymnastics Association. He spread his ideas to many countries of Europe through his book German Nationality. He firmly believed that physical education should be divided into three parts, electrical exercises, compulsory class exercises and sports.

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