Meaning and definitions of motivation

 Meaning and definitions of motivation

Motivation is a type of internal force that stimulates or motivates us to act, if we talk about the meaning of inspiration in simple words, then there is a stimulus, which means that our body, mind, mind are all ready to do some work. or get excited

According to the scientific point of view, there are two types of inspiration, it is heavy in the inner

According to financial motivation, if we feel like playing cricket according to our mind, we can play cricket now or according to heavy motivation, we do not necessarily feel like playing cricket or even if the words are in front, not all people are happy to work according to their mind. are there

Being motivated means that we are willing to act, in that we also get inspired by listening to the other person, also get inspired by reading anything written, also get inspired to do some actions and repeat these actions. For example, seeing a sharma gets inspired to play cricket and he starts playing cricket.

Under inspiration, any person becomes rapidly motivated to do any action.

It is only through inspiration that we are able to fulfill our objective of achieving the goal, otherwise we get positive energy under it, which is very helpful to keep us away from evils and achieve the goal.

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