Meaning and definitions of psychology

 Meaning and definitions of psychology


The meaning of the word psychology is related to human behavior. Sports psychology is a branch of psychology that expresses the behavior of the player on sports training in the playground. This player reflects the behavior, behavior of the team.

Through sports psychology, there is a qualitative improvement in the performance of the player on the basis of his good behavior.


Sports psychology is that branch of psychology, in order to improve the performance of the player, his partner takes his sports skills, he trains according to the ability, which depends on the psychological qualitative qualities of the player, on the basis of psychology, understand the qualities of the player. , can be tested

Key Features of Sports Psychology

Through sports psychology, we can understand the changes in fatigue, stress, anxiety, which occur while performing the activities of any player and accordingly, keeping in mind the pain felt in sports activities, we increase its study, its study is done by sports psychology. takes place through

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