Meaning of Planning


Planning plays a vital role in every field of life.

In fact, the all-round development of a person is not possible until we do not participate regularly in the regular programs of physical education, as well as participate in any competition, if we do not walk under regular exercise and practice, then we can do any work. may not perform well in the field

(In fact, overall development of an individual is really a difficult task without participation in regular program of physical education & sports )

Physical education has not yet been given importance in most of the schools in India, it affects the all-round development of the children, as well as they do not get enough information about the new field of education, without the necessary opportunities for physical education there is also a lack of

Generally, the team player participating in different tournaments is also selected only after the sports event or tournament comes, as well as they are not given enough practice, planning and motivation, without the necessary training of any player or team. The performance couldn't be better either

 ( In most of school in India there is lack of adequate planning in the filled of sports, normally for participation in various tournament teams are selected at the eleventh hour. Players are not given proper training. They hardly get a few days to do practice. They are not properly motivated towards sports.)

In fact, an important program of physical education and sports should be provided by our school.

Meaning of Planning

Planning is the process of arranging together the thoughts and necessary activities to achieve a goal, which is very beneficial for us to achieve our goal.

In simple words, planning decides what should be done, how, when and how which is beneficial in improving our performance.

Actually planning is the process which helps us to reach our goal efficiently and easily.

The achievement of objectives, usually through planning, in achieving the goal in solving the problem, develops under the plan or strategy which is according to our convenience.

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