Value of Exercise

 Value of Exercise

The importance of exercise is very high to make the body healthy, it makes our muscles active, our joints get sufficient flexibility, our bones also become strong, and the coordination of external organs in the internal of our body also increases.

Effects of exercise on different parts of the body

Tell the mole on the following parts of our body by doing exercise

Blood Circulation

Exercising increases our heart rate, due to which the process of blood circulation also accelerates and also increases the pressure.


Due to exercise, carbon dioxide gas comes out of our body rapidly and the action of oxygen is also rapidly accepted, due to which the body keeps on getting energy while working, it also has an effect on blood circulation.

Digestive System

Exercising strengthens the digestive system, so that it digests food easily, marriage also affects its strength and speed.

skin system

Exercising accelerates the process of blood circulation, due to which the toxins present in the skin come out.

Muscular System

While exercising, the muscles in our joints create the necessary flexibility, it is very beneficial in exercising, when we need a lot of energy, we are also provided energy from the fat generated on the body, while oxygen is not received in sufficient quantity. May have been

Nervous System

While doing exercise, the sensory and functional nerves of our body work more than Tirupati, which is very subtle but provides physical and mental peace to our body.


By exercising, the waste material present in our body or in simple language, the stool and urine are easily excreted, as well as the uric acid present in the body also comes out easily.

Things to keep in mind while exercising

- Exercise should be in the morning and sports should be in the evening

After doing abdominal exercises, we should not eat food, the duration of which should be after 2 to 3 hours.

- Exercise should always be done on open numbers

- Exercise should always be started with light exercise

- Exercise should not cause fatigue

Exercises should be done in the right way, otherwise they can have a wrong effect on us.

Many diseases are improved by regular use of exercise, our body remains disease free in shapely shape.

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