Volleyball game, field and its size and all its rules- ( HISTORY , GROUND & RULE OF VOLLEYBALL)

 Volleyball game, field and its size and all its rules- ( HISTORY , GROUND & RULE OF VOLLEYBALL)

Volleyball - Although there are many physical games to play, volleyball game is very energy, full of enthusiasm, some require a lot of equipment, but volleyball game just needs a good ball and net as well. In this only 12 players, there are 2 teams of players.

history of volleyball

Volleyball is originally originated in America, it is said to have originated in America in 1895, whose father was William Morgan. Gradually its popularity increased in the cities as well, as a result of which it has become a global sport and was also included in the Olympics. Volleyball used to have Asian and continental competition, but later its World Championship also started.

The international organization of volleyball was formed in 1947 after the independence of India, which was named FIVB (The Federation International de Volleyball), on the basis of which all its rules and regulations were made, on the basis of which it is played around the world.

Beginning of volleyball in India

Volleyball started in India after independence, which was first played in villages, later due to its popularity, it was also played in the city. Volleyball in India was included in the Asian Games in 1951. Its organization in India is named VFI (The Volleyball Federation of India) which organizes all the tournaments of volleyball in India. The first national games of volleyball in India were held in Madras.

field and its size

Play Field


                                       Court Length - 18 meters

                                       Court width - 9 meters

Central Line

 The center line is divided into 9 meters of the court

Attack Line

  The distance from the middle line to the offensive line is 3 meters.


                  Net width - 1 meter

                  Net Length - 9.50m

               Net Mesh Measurement - 10(cm)2

Net height from the ground - 2 m 43 cm (male)

                                       2m 24cm (Female)


                             Antenna length - 1.8 meters

                          Antenna diameter - 10 mm


                          Height of pole - 2 meters

               Line to pole distance - 0.50 meters

Volleyball game and all its rules-


                   Ball circumference - 65 to 67 cm

                   Ball weight - 260 to 280 grams

                   Inner pressure - 0.40 to 0.45 kg/(cm)2


                 Number of players playing - 6

                    Number of reserve players - 6


The match is of five sets, there are 25 points in a set, if both teams are equal to 24-24 points in 1-4 sets, then the team that scores 2 points in a row is the winner of the set, the fifth set is of 1 - 1 point. If both the teams are tied at 14-14 points in the fifth set, then the team that scores 1 point first will be the winner of the set.

  Winner of match

  The team that wins 3 sets out of 5 is the winner


                                    ref-1 or 2

                              Lineman - 2 or 4

Libro Player

Libro player is the most important player of any team which is a special player of the defense system, its uniform is different from all the players of the team Libro player can only defend

Main Rule

There are 6-6 players in each team and 6-6 players are extra.


All international matches consist of five sets.


The court is changed after each set.


When a team scores 8 points in the last set, the court is changed.


Two-timeouts are requested during each set. Timeouts can only be up to 30 seconds


There can be a maximum time of 2 minutes between each set, whereas

Minutes time between the last set


service starts with


Libro player can only defend and cannot serve or attack


The first serve can be done from any part of the body but the ball hits the body only once.

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