What is Skeletal System

 What is Skeletal System

Skeletal System - The main basis of human body formation is made up of bones or bones, the body gets a special shape from them and builds structures, it supports the body and helps in making movement.

There are about 20 bones of different sizes and shapes in the body. Osteoporosis forms strong structures. It protects internal organs such as heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. Osteoporosis works in conjunction with muscles to make the body move. Is

main functions of the skeleton

It acts as a framework and supports soft organs such as cranial bone, brain, ribs, heart and lungs, tissues etc.

It produces blood cells in the bone marrow

It performs the function of conducting body

If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body's fluids, then it replenishes the calcium.

Skeleton type

Long Bone

short bone

Flat bone

Irregular Bone

Long Bone

In this type of long bone, a shaft and two knobs are made at the ends, the long bone is covered with fibrous mesh, but where the bone connects to each other, it is devoid of fibers, under this bone and Lower arm (humerus, ulna), thigh and leg (fumarus, tibia and fibula), fingers of hands and feet etc.

Short Bone

The length, width, thickness of this type of bone are almost the same, the small bone is found only in the wrists and ankles, it has only limited movement.

Flat Bone

This bone is thin and broad and somewhat bent, this type of bone consists of ribs, scapula, sternum and cranial bones etc. Red bone marrow remains in this type of bone, this bone protects the main organs.

Irregular Bones

This bone is a bit complicated, their shape is not fixed, this bone is found in the main spinal cord, skull bone.

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