What is cell division and its type


The human body is made up of micro units, which we call cells. The cell is the smallest form of the body, which has the ability to conduct the life activities of the human body, the cells of different parts of the body are different.

 What is cell division?

In the human body, about a million cells die every second, which are replaced by new cells, when the cell is formed, it is very small, in the process of physical development, the increase in the size of the cell occurs only to a limit, after full development, the cell splits into two parts. splits up

Cell division (karyokinesis) mainly takes place to replace the destroyed cells, also to establish new cells, only after dividing from the center, the cytoplasm is formed, due to which cell division takes place after most of the cells of our body are destroyed. It is produced but some brain cells do not regenerate after they are destroyed, due to which the injury on some parts of the body is not cured.


After attaining a particular shape, the cell divides into two parts.

point division


point division

Cell division that occurs in the human body is a more complex process in which all cells produce two progeny cells, which are all similar, they also increase the body's growth.


 This type of cell division occurs in the main reproductive cells (eg- sperm, ovum) etc. In mitotic division there is only one whereas there are two types of division in it.

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