B.P.ED 1st Year T heory Courses



o Brief Introduction of Anatomy and physiology in the field of Physical Education.

o Introduction of Cell and Tissue.

o The arrangement of the skeleton – Function - of the skeleton – Ribs and Vertebral

column and the extremities – joints of the body and their types

o Gender differences in the skeleton.

o Types of muscles.


o Blood and circulatory system: Constituents of blood and their function –Blood groups

and blood transfusion, clotting of blood, the structure of the heart-properties of the heart

muscle, circulation of blood, cardiac cycle, blood pressure, Lymph and Lymphatic

circulation. Cardiac output.

o The Respiratory system: The Respiratory passage – the lungs and their structure and

exchange of gases in the lungs, mechanism of respiration (internal and external

respiration) lung capacity, tidal volume


o The Digestive system: structure and functions of the digestive system, Digestive organs,


o The Excretory system: Structure and functions of the kidneys and the skin.

o The Endocrine glands: Functions of glands pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid. Adrenal,

Pancreatic and the sex glands.

o Nervous systems: Function of the Autonomic nervous system and Central nervous

system. Reflex Action,

o Sense organs: A brief account of the structure and functions of the Eye and Ear.


O Definition of physiology and its importance in the field of physical education and sports.

o Structure, Composition, Properties and functions of skeletal muscles.

o Nerve control of muscular activity:

o Neuromuscular junction

o Transmission of nerve impulse across it.

o Fuel for muscular activity

o Role of oxygen- physical training, oxygen debt, second wind, vital capacity.


o Effect of exercise and training on cardiovascular system.

o Effect of exercise and training on respiratory system.

o Effect of exercise and training on muscular system

o Physiological concept of physical fitness, warming up, conditioning and fatigue.

o Basic concept of balanced diet – Diet before, during and after competition.


Gupta, A. P. (2010). Anatomy and physiology. Agra: SumitPrakashan.

Gupta, M. and Gupta, M. C. (1980). Body and anatomical science. Delhi: Swaran Printing


Guyton, A.C. (1996). Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th edition. Philadelphia: W.B

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