Unit -I: introduction

o Meaning, Importance and scope of Educational and Sports Psychology

o General characteristics of Various Stages of growth and development

o Types and nature of individual differences; Factors responsible -Heredity

And environment

o Psycho-sociological aspects of Human behavior in relation to physical education and


Unit-II: Sports Psychology

o Nature of learning, theories of learning, Laws of learning,

o Plateau in Learning; & transfer of training

o Meaning and definition of personality, characteristics of personality,

o Dimension of personality, Personality and Sports performance

o Nature of motivation: Factors influencing motivation; Motivation and techniques and its

impact on sports performance.

o Mental Preparation Strategies: Attention focus, Self- talk, Relaxation, Imaginary.

o Aggression and Sports, Meaning and nature of anxiety, Kinds of anxiety

o Meaning and nature of stress; Types of stress, Anxiety, Stress, Arousal and their effects

on sports performance

Unit-III: Relation between Social Science and Physical Education.

o Orthodoxy, customs, Tradition and Physical Education.

o Festivals and Physical Education.

o Socialization through Physical Education.

o Social Group life, Social conglomeration and Social group, Primary group and Remote


Unit-4 Culture : Meaning and Importance.

o Features of culture,

o Importance of culture.

o Effects of culture on people life style.

o Different methods of studying Observation/ Inspection method, Questionnaire method,

Interview method


Ball, D. W. & Loy, J. W. (1975).Sport and social order; Contribution to the sociology of

sport.London: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.

Blair, J.& Simpson, R.(1962). Educational psychology, New York:McMillan Co.

Cratty, B. J.(1968). Psychology and physical activity. Eaglewood Cliffs. Prentice Hall.

Kamlesh, M.L. (1998). Psychology inphysical education and sport. New Delhi:Metropolitan

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Loy, J. W., Kenyon, G. S. & McPherson, B. D. (1978). Sport and social system. London:

Addison Wesley Publishing Company Inc.

Loy, J. W., Kenyon, G. S. & McPherson, B. D. (1981).Sports culture and


Lea &Febiger.

Mathur, S.S., (1962). Educational psychology. Agra.VinodPustakMandir.

Skinnner, C. E., (1984.). Education psychology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.

William, F. O.&Meyer, F. N. (1979). A handbook of sociology. New Delhi: Eurasia Publishing

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