Chambers of the Heart

Chambers of the Heart

The entire right side of the heart is related to impure blood and the left side is related to pure blood. The heart has four chambers, the left and upper chamber is called the left atrium and the lower chamber is called the left ventricle. The right and upper chamber of the right atrium and the lower chamber is called the right ventricle


Right atrium - In the right atrium, a lot of impure blood, which does not contain oxygen, collects in the right atrium, there are two types of veins in our body, upright maha-vein and lower maha-vein.

Udhva mega-vein carries impure blood from the upper parts of the body and impure blood from the lower part of the body into the right atrium. The walls of this chamber are weak, its function is to pump blood only lightly by the tricuspid (TRICUSPID) valve. It has to be sent to the right ventricle through this valve, blood is not able to come back from the ventricle to the atrium.

Right ventricle - impure blood from right atrium enters right ventricle through tricuspid valve This artery leaves the heart and carries impure blood to the lungs for purification and passes the pure blood to the left atrium through the mitral valve.

Left atrium - It is slightly thicker than the right atrium, it has four holes which come from two left and two right pulmonary veins, oxygenated pure blood comes in it, from this pure blood goes into the left ventricle through the pulmonary valve

Left ventricle - This is the largest chamber in which an aorta emerges, which carries blood to different parts of the body, when the left atrium contracts, the blood goes to the left ventricle. Carries pure blood from the heart to all the tissues, cells of the body through other arteries.

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