Defination , types & Benefit warming up

 Defination , types & Benefit  warming up

Today's topic is warming up, in which we will tell you what it is, how to do it and what are its benefits and why it is necessary to do it, so let's know.

In today's era, everyone does running, jogging, gymming, cycling, yoga etc. to stay healthy, warm-up is done before all these so that our body gets ready for all these activities whenever we do any sport, exercise. Or start physical activity or do physical training, then our body would be in normal condition, due to which our body is not suitable for all those activities, for that we have to heat our muscles and internal body parts, only after that our body ready for physical activity

We have to do some general exercises to make our internal organs suitable for functioning, which make our muscles, joints and internal organs suitable for the activities which all come under the exercise warm-up, in normal condition we need less energy. Whereas when we do physical activity like playing a sport, moving action, etc., the need for energy is high, for this our heart rate increases.

Due to which the speed of the lungs increases due to the increase in stroke volume, due to which more oxygen is obtained, due to the faster blood flow, more energy is obtained and physical capacity increases and the body is able to play sports, exercise or test. gets ready for

warming up

Warming up is the action that we players do to warm up our body parts before starting any sport, so that our body normally adopts physical movement, under warming up we do jogging, stretching, jumping rope, aerobic exercise etc. Mainly, which increases the body temperature and also increases the working capacity of the body.

The muscles also heat up and contract appropriately, our joints also become flexible enough, the speed of the body increases.

Under this, the duration of the exercise and action is of 5-10 minutes, under this only simple action is done which does not fatigue the body, but increases the body's ability to work, it is mainly used for all sports tests and others. It must be done before all the physical activities, under this we can also do massage because it also makes the body suitable by heating, its effect mainly reads on your technique as well.


types of warming up

There are two types of warming up

General Warming up

Specific Warming up

 normal warming up

The general warming up is done by the players before the sports practice, which makes all the body parts of the player dynamic and also increases the speed of the body parts, in which the player does normal activities which are involved in his daily activities like jogging, stretching etc. Which makes the body suitable for activities, normal warming up is done by a simple player, its duration is 5-10 minutes.

specific warming up

Specific warming up is done by the players before any competition, which specially prepares the player physically and mentally for the competition, in which the player runs for a short distance, other dynamic games etc. It is done according to the skill, its duration is 10-15 minutes.

benefits of warming up

Due to this increase in the action of the internal organs of the body, there is an increase in the internal temperature.

Due to this, the contraction in the muscle increases and the energy in the muscle also comes in the received amount.

Through this, the function of the lungs also increases, due to which oxygen reaches the cells and tissues in the received quantity and provides energy to the body.

It also increases the speed and flexibility and also improves our performance, through this the chances of injury are also reduced.

It helps the body to work for a long time by releasing the lactic acid formed in the body and also reduces fatigue, which increases endurance in the body and also maintains physical balance.

It makes the body flexible, dynamic and stress free by increasing all the activities of the body.

We can also use all the exercises and activities of warming up to make the body healthy.

We should do all its activities slowly without fatigue and without jerk, we only use it to keep the body moving and physical activities for a long time.

do it for

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