Fatigue & Mental Fatigue

 Fatigue & Mental Fatigue

Fatigue To understand everyone in simple language, we understand the condition which we call fatigue. There is a lack of energy to do that state, we call it fatigue.

To reduce fatigue, we need rest and energy, we get energy from both food and oxygen.

Mental Fatigue

Sometimes our body does not do any work, but our mind is not engaged in any work, my mind is not engaged in studies nor does it seem to do any work, in that situation we feel a state of mental fatigue.

We control our whole body through the brain, if a state of fatigue arises in our brain, then its effect will be on the whole body.

Because our body is governed by our brain only, once if our body gets tired, then we can work after that but if our brain gets tired then after that we will not be able to do that work, we have to rest for that. need to remove it

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