Newton's Laws of Motion ( FIRST LAW OF NEWTON'S)

 Newton's Laws of Motion ( FIRST LAW OF NEWTON'S)

In order to improve and perform well in the art of any sport, some physics and mechanical rules have to be followed, in which there are also essential Newton's laws of motion, doing any action skill under them gives good results.


Newton's first law is also called the law of inertia, according to which if an object is in a stationary state then it will remain in the stationary state and if the object is in motion then it will remain in the state of motion until it does not change its state when until no external force is exerted on them

According to this, an object can change its state only when there is an external force on it, this is also called the law of inertia.

The weight of the object, that is, the lesser the mass, the less the inertia will be and and if the external force is also less then that state can change, in the same way if the mass is also more, then if the inertia is more then the change of state will also happen only if more force is applied.

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